This afternoon a special edition of The Brent Holland Show. It's been one year since the Iranian Election uprising and those horrific images of Neda bleeding to death on the streets of Tehran shot from an Iranian sniper's bullet. Today, we bring you exclusive interviews from ordinary Iranian Canadians who have fled Iran and now find themselves with loved ones trapped inside the Iranian regime. One year ago I was told: “ Iran is on fire.” Those were the ominous words given only days ago by personal friends of mine via telephone from the depths of the interior of Iran to describe the conflict going on there. It took several weeks but finally I heard back from them and they were in good spirits, but, by then, many had been murdered.They were born in Iran but fled and now make their home right here in Canada and are as Canadian as you or me. Why Canada ? For the opportunity to raise their children in true freedom. Make no mistake folks; Iran isn’t Canada where if you’re arrested at a protest you have basic human rights. Forget about that. This is Iran . If you’re picked up you may be just disappeared and never heard from again. It’s hard for us to imagine here in beautiful Canada with the trees, the lakes and where the biggest decision of the day maybe whether to get a small coffee or a large one. Imagine being in your home with your family. Your son in his bedroom studying for an exam when there is that knock: that ever dreaded knock. You know damn well what it is and you can do nothing but answer. In come the Iranian secret police that walk past you to your son’s bedroom and confiscate his computer and then your worst nightmare: they arrest him. They simply tell you as they leave if he hasn’t returned in 24 hours to come look for him. But where? This story is true. Think about that in your own context, to your own son or daughter maybe going off to University. This afternoon you will hear horror stories of terror and barbarism. You will hear how they fled the Iranian regime and came to Canada ; how they hold Canada as a beacon of light in the dark. Indeed all nations of the persecuted hold Canada as a beacon light. It is something we as Canadians seem unaware of: just how truly great a nation we are. These are their stories and now as Canadians they are our stories. One more thing, all the stories you will hear today are true and what’s more they are the stories of your neighbours, your friends, the real people who you see and smile to who live right along side you.
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