Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chief Hazel Fox Recollet of The Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve

Wiki Pow Wow

Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve (usually known as Wikwemikong or Wiky) is an Indian reserve in the north-eastern section of Manitoulin Island in Manitoulin District, Ontario, Canada. Wikwemikong is an unceded Indian reserve in Canada, which means that it has not "relinquished title to its land to the government by treaty or otherwise." The name Wikwemikong means "bay of beavers".

The reserve is occupied by Ojibwa, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples, under the Council of Three Fires. From 1836 to 1862, the entirety of Manitoulin Island was set aside as the "Manitoulin Island Indian Reserve" under the Bond Head Treaty. The most important of the pre-confederation treaties were the Robinson Treaties because all subsequent treaties were modeled after these! In 1850, William B Robinson, a government negotiator and former fur trader, proposed that First Nations reserves be created on the Crown Land acquired through treaties. These Reserves were intended to be the answer to what the immigrant settlers needed for land settlement. First Nation peoples would be set apart on reserves from the new settlers. The Robinson-Huron and Robinson-Superior treaties were signed in September 1850 for large territories north of the two Great Lakes.

According to written records, Lake Huron and Lake Superior area leaders surrendered nearly 15 000 000 hectares of land in exchange for the establishment of 24 RESERVES and a payment of approximately $10 000 to be followed by additional annual payment of $2700. However, First Nations leaders were lead to believe that the agreement was to share the land with the colonists and retain their rights to hunt and fish throughout the area.

Wikwemikong as it exists today was created in 1968, when the two unceded bands and the Point Grondine band amalgamated as the Wikwemikong band.

The reserve is also home to the Wikwemikong Cultural Festival (Wikwemikong Pow Wow) which is held annually every Civic Holiday Weekend (first weekend in August).

This annual event is touted as the largest and oldest Pow Wow in Eastern Canada. Considered to be one of the major Pow Wows in North America, it is attended by many Aboriginal dancers who participate in competition of all age ranges, demonstrating Traditional, Grass, Jingle, and Fancy Dancing.
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