Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alex Safian The Gaza Peace Flotilla

Someone much wiser and with far more insight than I once told me "don't poke the bear, she's protecting her young". Prophetic words. Go ahead. Try it. Poke the bear and see if anyone takes your side. They'd probably take the side of the bear and chastise you, rightfully so, for being stupid.

October 1962, the US invokes a "quarantine" on the open seas to stop the completion of Cuba bound Soviet Nuclear Missiles. Ted Sorensen writes the letter to get Khrushchev to back down and the world breathes a sigh of relief. Despite being "that" close to a global nuclear holocaust, there was no way in hell the US was letting those missiles through. The crew from the USS Joseph P. Kennedy boards a Russian freighter after she attempted to run the gauntlet. No violence. (see Ted Sorensen's interview below)

Fast forward May 2010 the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Israeli troops repeatedly attempt to ask the Peace Flotilla to head to an appropriate port to offload for inspection, to verify there is no Iranian rockets or weapons for the terrorist group Hamas. The world fully knows, as with the Nazis before them, Hamas's "constitution" calls for the complete annihilation of not only Israel but Jews in the middle east.

And so we begin our show today. Who was really on board Mavi Marmara ship that day? Why was there no humanitarian aid on board? Why were armed Turkish thugs on board a "peace" flotilla? Why was there an immediate global demonization of Israel for protecting her young once again? Why the continued double standard? What is different about Israel than all other countries? Jews. Still think this isn't about Anti-Semitism? Think again.

If you poke the bear while she's protecting her young, she is going to respond. Guaranteed. Wouldn't you? Thanks to Tyler for the insightful quote. (my nephew who knows the difference between right and wrong).

download part 1 of 2
download part 2 of 2

Download Gaza Flotilla Videos

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