must embrace all of us together, for we are all Canada
and if one of us is missing then we are all lost.guest: Prime Minister Paul
Martin: The PMO; same sex marriage, Aboriginal rights, The Charter &
Canada is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, water,
agriculture, minerals, forestry, talk show hosts (well, maybe not
that last one. We want for nothing. Truly. But we almost always
overlook our most important resource and that is us: the Canadian
people. Each person that makes up this mosaic we call Canada offers
a uniqueness that no one else can bring to the table. But when there
are those amongst who do not have the same rights as us, we all
suffer and Canada is less than it could be.
Canada should not be a patch work or quilt of opportunities only for
some and not others; purple people over here, short chunky guys over
there (guess what line up I'd be in?), those that wear a Hijab way
over there. That's nuts. One Canada; One People; One law.
Same sex marriage. Who the hell are we or anyone to tell someone who
to love. Who dares to proclaim that right amongst us. Yet this was
the case, embarrassingly, for Canada up until July 20, 2005.
Finally, this issue was put to bed and people were free to fall in
love with whomever they wanted and have the same benefits and
respect accorded to their neighbours.
But this just didn't happen with the wave of a wand. It took a man
with the vision of great statesmen. Like John Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy and Dr. King before him, all whom had championed civil
rights for African Americans in the sixties, Canada's own Prime
Minister Paul Martin rose and championed this cause. This wasn't a
cause that was going to win him any favours, trust me. As a world
leader it would challenge his Catholicism from the Vatican, those
around the globe who declare homosexuality an abomination, those who
believe the only way to rid the world of this abomination was
through the punishment of death (Iran and so many other thugocricies
and Islamic theocracies as well). So why did he risk it when he
could have just sat back and coasted during his Prime Ministership?
He did it because in that true Canadian fashion: it was simply the
right thing to do. Prime Minister Paul Martin was the right man at
the right time with the right cause. Today Canada and indeed the
world is a better place because of his fortitude. Canada again
displayed its leadership role amongst the nations. Now they to look
to us to see how people can live together, but not only live to
together, prosper and laugh as one.
There are times in all our lives when standing up against the tide
and doing the right thing taxes every fiber of our makeup. But stand
we must. For even a single voice of truth from legions of naysayers,
it still remains the truth. And the truth will indeed set us free.
Join me as we go through those tumultuous times with Prime Minister
Paul Martin. Living history in his own words
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