Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

 I have never been one much for celebrating special days for this or for that. I have never given much merit to credibility solely based on a person's colour, religion, ethnicity,  sexual orientation or for that matter gender. For me there is now and has only ever been one race: Human (I have also never given much credence to the rat race either). However, I am a profound believer in role models. Role models show us a path through the woods. They also show us the possibilities of blazing our own trails. On today's show we celebrate two such role models. Not just for young girls and women but for all of us.Mukhtar Mai is a survivor of "honour rape". This term is perhaps the most perverse of all oxymoron's. She lives in the Southern region of Punjab Province, Pakistan, where tribal mentality still permeates and some of the most barbaric acts of violence towards women still occur. Mukhtar Mai took that barbaric act against her and declared war on its inception. But this is a war waged by the most strategic of all the weapons known to mankind: education. She began a school for girls. A school not only to educate young girls but by extension their parents as well. Parents who still believe that it is just and right for girls 12 years old to marry. Perhaps a new beginning for all is being birthed. Her resources are meager and she needs help. I have placed a link on the web site to do just that and make a donation. Erin Brockvich. So stunningly beautiful that Julie Roberts played her in the Hollywood feature film about her life aptly titled: "Erin Brockovich".Erin has been plagued and suffers from being drop dead gorgeous, blonde and dyslexia. All this has meant that in her past she had been stereotyped as being "blonde". As you will see when you listen to her, she is nothing short of brilliant, articulate and passionate. It is this later description upon hearing the show that will have you up and dancing in the clouds. Talk about a motivating, no nonsense straight to the point, inspiring, get your engines going, person. Get ready to be rocked folks by the one and only Erin Brockovich. Both of today's guests have been up close and personal with adversity and have turned that negative into a positive not only for themselves but the rest of the human race as well. Lessons learned today. Nice to be in the same race, isn't it? Now this is a day to celebrate!

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